Africa’s top 5 ‘sexiest’ countries with the most beautiful people

By  MILDRED EUROPA TAYLOR     The sexiest nationalities in the world have been ranked in a new survey which revealed where on the planet one can find “the most beautiful people.” The survey, which listed 50 nationalities, was conducted by Big 7 Travel, an international digital platform focusing on travel, food and hotels. “We surveyed aContinueContinue reading “Africa’s top 5 ‘sexiest’ countries with the most beautiful people”

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Why I Left America After My Studies

When I started my studies in America, I knew I would become a Journalist one day. Journalism in America was referred by many as ‘gorilla journalism’. Before I dive into the nitty-gritties of the Journalism we practiced in school, let me tell you some of the things that we did there. Our school was fenced,ContinueContinue reading “Why I Left America After My Studies”

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